DoJo stickers


The ultimate versatile stickers to help you bring structure to your life.

Bring structure to your life with our versatile sticker sets, available in weekly, monthly, and yearly for 2024.

Designed to perfectly complement our DoJo book 112, our weekly and monthly stickers are ideal for adding organization to your schedule and goals, while the yearly sticker set is tailor-made for our DoJo book 48, allowing you to map out your long-term goals and create yearly, monthly, and weekly layouts with ease.

Give your DoJo system a colorful and personal touch by using our vibrant sticker sets, transforming your DoJo books into lively expressions of your style.

Details & Contents

Available in yearly 2024, monthly and weekly.
These sticker sets go perfectly with your DoJo books | 112 & 48.

Please note that the DoJo stickers and books are written in English.

1 x DoJo sticker set

all stickers:
1 x DoJo stickers | weekly
1 x DoJo stickers | monthly
1 x DoJo stickers | yearly 2024

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La carta che utilizziamo è prodotta in modo sostenibile in Svizzera, Germania e Svezia. Non è sbiancata chimicamente, è priva di acidi e certificata FSC e Cradle to Cradle. La certificazione FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) garantisce la provenienza da foreste gestite in modo sostenibile, con effetti positivi sull’ambiente, la società e l’economia.


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Shipping & Returns
Spediamo gli ordini dal lunedì al venerdì con FedEx/UPS, per una consegna rapida e sicura in tutto il mondo. Le tariffe e i tempi di consegna sono indicate al momento della convalida dell'ordine (maggiori informazioni qui).

Sosteniamo noi le eventuali tasse di importazione se il tuo ordine viene consegnato fuori dall'Unione Europea. Qualsiasi prodotto non personalizzato può essere restituito e rimborsato dopo 14 giorni dal ricevimento dell'ordine.

Leggi qui per saperne di più sulle nostre condizioni di trasporto.

FSC certified

made in Germany


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structure your life in the most creative and flexible way

The DoJo system is here to combine your creativity while bringing structure to your tasks, goals and logs. Enjoy a flexible paper companion which you can design and shape to your needs with the help of a simple layout and stickers to guide you.

perfectly designed

We designed these stickers to make organizing both fun and easy. By adding a touch of creativity with our vibrant designs, you can truly bring a unique structure to your daily life.

inspired by bullet journaling

Drawing from the art of bullet journaling, we've crafted the Dojo system to enhance your experience. Create a yearly, monthly and weekly overview to plan your year, track your habits and jot down goals.

express your creativity

Make the DoJo system your own by expressing your unique creativity within the pages of the most flexible and adaptable paper companion you'll ever have.
