meet Lea
the person behind paper republic's socials
paper journaling: the solution to my organisation issues
I’m Lea, one of the newest members of paper republic and I'm thrilled to finally introduce myself.
You may not know much about me yet, but you might know of my work as I am the person behind most of paper republic’s social media content, especially the videos that I really enjoy preparing for you.
Working with this awesome team truly is a blast and I am excited to tell you more about my newly started paper republic collection and how it changed my life.
my collection
rediscovering paper journaling
I always found it difficult to organise my life. Despite several attempts to address my organisational issues, including an unsuccessful period of digital journaling, I finally found the solution in paper journaling and paper republic's system.
With my [pocket] grand voyageur and its fantastic refill system, I now find it easy to stay organised! I can carry multiple notebooks to suit my needs and swap them easily when needed. The days of searching for scattered information are over, everything I need is readily available.
On top of that, the convenient size of my grand voyageur [pocket] makes it ideal for me to carry it anywhere and even fit it in smaller bags.
This makes my [pocket] grand voyageur a true life companion, to which I added a few accessories to make it even more perfect.
my favourite refills:
book refill
With these amazing book refills, it has become even easier and more pleasurable to return to paper journaling. The writing experience provided by its smooth paper is truly unmatched.
planner | 2024
After returning to paper journaling, the planner 2024 felt like a natural step towards a more organised and structured lifestyle. I really love its weekly & notes layout: I never miss important dates thanks to it!
cash & card holder
The cash & card holder is the perfect final addition to my grand voyageur. It's simple and slim and helps me carry some extras with me.
my perfect organisation tool
With my essential accessories, I transformed my grand voyageur [pocket] into the perfect life companion.
I always carry a combination of notebook and book refills to jot down all my ideas. Being responsible for paper republic's social media requires me to think of new content ideas on-the-go and my refills help me capture all of them.
And with my planner 2024, I've become enthusiastic about planning my life. I carry it everywhere with my grand voyageur and can fill it whenever I need to. I love the week & notes layout that allows me to plan each day of the week while having a page for tracking my weekly objectives.
The final touch to my perfect leather companion is the card & cash holder where I can keep inspiring flyers and various other items. It's a true gold mine for me when developing content ideas: the inspiring design of these items really fuels my creativity!
the power of paper journaling
If you find yourself struggling with organisation like I used to, I strongly encourage you to try giving journaling another chance! Feel free to draw inspiration from my ideal organisation companion and add some of your touches to make it your own perfect companion.
I can't wait to see how my journaling collection will expand with time. I will most certainly find inspiration through all the great ideas I see you posting daily on our socials!

Social Officer