an artistic and scientific blend with a true sense of wonder
Meet Rafael, a Dutch artist inspired by nature and people! In fact, passionate would be more fitting than inspired: he uses his art to raise awareness and protect wildlife.
If you're an ornithology enthusiast, you will be delighted by seeing his journal pages filled with depictions of northern European birds. And thanks to his biological science background you can also learn more about these wonderful animals through his artworks.
Rafael’s appreciation of nature isn’t just expressed through flying wildlife. He brings his grand voyageur with him while explore the world, drawing vast landscapes of majestic tree lines running over mountain ridges, or painting small unnoticed urban vegetation, depicting nature springing up through the stonework leading to a front door. In either case, his artwork invites you to slow down and appreciate more the surroundings of life.

And Rafael's inspiration isn't exclusively driven by nature and wildlife: through his strolls in various European cities he creates drawings carrying their very authentic and unique atmosphere.
We can most definitely say that he perfectly illustrates what means being a grand voyageur!
What captivated me the most in Rafael's varied inspirations are countless portraits of strangers met in his everyday life. May it be sitting at a cafe, on a train or during a concert, these portraits fill his numerous book refills and convey very strong emotions and an astonishing feeling of humanity.
So what can you learn from Rafael?
I think Rafael’s curiosity and fascination for his surroundings, coupled with his various leather companions allows him to be spontaneous and create artworks bearing a sense of familiarity. With the different formats he uses and his book refills - providing him freedom, flexibility, comfort and a quality paper - he creates these lively and scenic pieces for us to enjoy.
Make sure to visit his website and Instagram to discover more of his work! He recently ordered one of our last leather recrafting boxes and will share with us what his creativity will create out of it!
Warm greetings from our republic,